Merci à - Dank aan - Thanks to - Danke an
- Pascal ROSSION for his ideas and his precious help in the realization of the Site canvas.
- Jean-Marie DE BLENDE for his authorization to publish part of the content of his book "30 years of Nike".
- Alain SARTIAUX for his authorization to host some drawings and sketches.
- Jan HERMANS for the F > NL translations.
- Nancy THUNUS for the F > D translations. Werner REUTER for his corrections in D.
- Gérard NYS for proofreading.
- All the people who sent documents to enrich the site.
- To webmasters and/or site managers who have authorized the insertion of their ties.
- To the many friends who have made relevant remarks and encouragement.
And to all those who continue to move drawers and attic to find some original documents. ... Dany